Westgate Hills Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center > News & Events > Spotlight Saturday – Meet Stan Crocker, Clinical Dietician Date

Spotlight Saturday – Meet Stan Crocker, Clinical Dietician Date

Stan is the clinical dietitian at Westgate Hills. In his role, Stan coordinates the clinical nutrition needs of our patients, thereby enabling our cooks to properly and tastefully process these orders. He manages the diets, some labs work, weight trends, wound care nutrition, tube feeding orders, and all the computer notes and box checking that can go with that. With his home just 2 miles from the facility, Stan enjoys coming to work each day. When asked what he feels he has gained from working at Westgate Hills, Stan jokes “about 10 pounds”! All jokes aside however, Stan appreciates the broad range of people that he encounters on the job from Baltimore and around the globe. In fact, a proud moment for Stan on the job was the ability to speak Korean in order to be able to communicate with and care for a patient and his family. Stan has seen many places in his life as traveling in one of the things he most enjoys. He has been to foreign countries such as Taiwan, Brussels, and South Korea though he still wishes to see more places such as Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Hungary. Stan is also a mountain bike rider and enthusiast. He aspires to win the Shenandoah 100 Mountain bike race in September – a 100-mile mountain bike race in the forests of Virginia which might take over 12 hours and for which he has been training hard this year! Want to entice Stan with something he can’t refuse? Seems that Taco Trucks are the way to do that. When he is not bike riding, Stan enjoys playing guitar and writing music, cooking, camping, traveling, snowshoeing, reading and playing Cribbage and Backgammon with his lovely wife Suzanne; quite a busy calendar for somebody in the buzzing healthcare field! Originally from St. Louis and enjoying the fantastic history and architecture here in Baltimore, Stan says home for him would be wherever his wife is. What sort of message would our dietitian like to impart on us all? Take a moment to do spontaneous, selfless good for someone for no other reason to bring THEM joy right now. If you don’t look for any reward it will still show up.

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